Unwanted Perks of working at Orthodontist Office – Orthodontic Headgear Story

8 July 2020

Two new Orthodontist Assistants have just started work at the dental clinic. A perk of the job, and a requirement, is that they must both have perfect teeth. Their braces are already on and although they don’t care for them, they both know they need them and cannot afford them otherwise. They also need these jobs!
Orthodontist arrives and greets them, and then asks if they are ready for the next step in their treatment. The ladies are confused, aren’t the braces the entire treatment? But they do want their jobs so they follow the orthodontist to the treatment room. Once at a time, with the other lady assitting, the orthodontist fits them with head harnesses.
Both Assistants are not happy. This is more then they thought they had agreed to when they signed on for their jobs. The orthodontist is very clear – they must both wear their headgear full time if they want their jobs. Everyone at the clinic must have perfect teeth to demonstrate the cliic’s services. The orthodontist starts both ladies at the reception desk, where new patients can see what treatments to expect. She ignores their protests and puts them to work.
Finally the day ends and both ladies head out to a nearby mall for something to eat. Their nervousness at their appearance is apparent as they must adjust how they now look in public, a look they will have for at least a year if they want to keep their jobs.

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(Disclaimer: Any injuries or accidents in videos are not real. They are all just staged for story purpose)