SAGITTAL FIRST Philosophy Webinar with Dr Luis Carrière | Henry Schein Orthodontics

17 July 2020

Dr. Luis Carrière is charting new territory with the ground-breaking SAGITTAL FIRST ™ Philosophy of correcting the Class II or Class III malocclusion at the beginning of treatment when patients are most compliant. It provides greater efficiencies, shorter treatment times, and long-term aesthetics results with minimal extractions. Dr. Carrière will show you how to integrate the Carriere® MOTION 3D™ Appliance to correct the AP, reposition the mandible, and expand the airway, while achieving average treatment times of 12 months or less. His clinical results will challenge your views on the traditional practice workflow.

In this webinar, you will learn:
• The benefits of correcting the AP at the beginning of treatment, prior to bracketing or aligner therapy
• The benefits of the SAGITTAL FIRST Philosophy and passive self-ligation
• How to incorporate a hybrid approach to treatment planning to achieve average treatment times of 12 months or less

About Dr. Carrière
Dr. Carrière obtained his dental degree from the University of Complutense in Madrid in 1991. He then attended the University of Barcelona, where he completed his Orthodontic training and received his Master of Science in Orthodontics in 1994. In 2006, he received his Doctorate in Orthodontics, Cum Laude, from the University of Barcelona.

Dr. Carrière was the Winner of the “Joseph E. Johnson Award” and the International Design Award Delta Gold ADI-FAD 2009 for the “Carriere Distalizer MB.” Dr. Carrière is also a Member of the Editorial Review Board for the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. As an invited professor of several Orthodontic departments throughout the world, Dr. Carrière lectures internationally when he is not treating patients in his private practice in Barcelona, Spain.

To learn more, visit