Remember the Smile in the Orthodontic Appointment

27 July 2020

For months now, the orthodontic practice has been focused on ramping up its infection control procedures, securing proper PPE, implementing a new patient appointment process, and managing the reduced cash flow. What’s gotten lost in all this is the fun that used to be the mainstay of the orthodontic practice.

In this week’s episode of In the Sterilization Room with Jackie, infection control and prevention expert Jackie Dorst, RDH, BS, says its time to take a moment to pause and ask yourself what are you doing in your practice to make your patient smile during their visit. Jackie provides advice and tips for how to have fun with patients while still communicating the seriousness of the precautions your practice is taking to protect them from COVID-19. 

Jackie also provides some new insight on how to determine your exposure risk. She talks about guidance out of Canada that breaks down your risk, and your need to quarantine, into degrees of separation. OP


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