Q&A with an Orthodontist

4 August 2020

Hi Plaque Pals, today’s video is a special Orthodontist Q&A video with Dr. Jessica!

A huge thank you to Jessica for agreeing to answer our burning questions! I know many of the plaque pals are aspiring orthodontists so I know that this video will be extremely insightful for you all.

Note: About ranking, realistically, it would be best to shoot for top 5-10. However, remember that there are other aspects of your application and you that the residency programs look at!

0:40 A little about Jessica
1:18 Why and when did you choose ortho?
2:43 Process to apply for ortho residency?
5:27 How to strengthen application?
6:39 What ranking is competitive?
7:23 What was residency like?
9:01 How long is ortho residency?
9:24 Typical day at the office as an orthodontist pre-Covid and currently?
13:17 Most challenging part as an orthodontist
14:16 Most challenging case?
15:22 How saturated is ortho right now?
16:16 What do you think about Smile Direct Club
18:16 What advancements do you think ortho will have in the next 10 years?
19:18 Do you wish you did another specialty or stayed a general dentist?
20:43 Most rewarding part of being an orthodontist?

Jessica’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jellliu/

If you’re a pre-dental student with a lack of guidance and overwhelming fears of failure, email me or DM me on Instagram about my 1 on 1 Coaching Program. I help pre-dental students get over their roadblocks so they can confidently apply to dental school. Contact me as soon as possible, because spots are limited since I am only working with a few students.

