"My Face Lengthened, The Neck & Jaw Pain Kept Getting Worse" – Orthodontic Retraction Archive #1

27 June 2020

Patrick had retractive orthodontic treatment as a teen. This included getting 4 bicuspid teeth extracted and then braces, which pulled his jaws backwards, leading to drastic facial changes and severe jaw and neck pain. You can see the clear face changes before and after braces in the pictures shown throughout the video. He recently had to have corrective jaw surgery to alleviate some of the damage that was done.

The Orthodontic Retraction Archive: We are creating an archive of pictures and interviews documenting the negative face changes and health effects from before and after orthodontic treatment. If you have a story to share, please reach out! irelandbonds@thejawproject.com
Any contribution at all is greatly appreciated! (Even if you’d like to remain anonymous)
