Interlandi Orthodontic Headgear Girl

28 June 2020

A young lady waits nervously at the orthodontist’s office. She has had her braces and expander fitted for a few years now and is eager to find out when she will finally be free of them.
All her hopes are dashed, though, when the checkup reveals that her teeth are just not aligning correctly. Instead, she is fitted with a head harness and face bow to increase the pull of the braces.
She must wear this at all times, except when eating and brushing her teeth, for at least 6 months. As socially awkward the braces alone were, this is far worse! The orthodontist tries to cheer her up and calm her nervousness.
Seeing herself in the mirror with the head harness, the young lady is horrified. She was shy before, but now she just wants to hide. At home she changes her hair to try and downplay her new look. A friend stops by to see and try and cheer her up. Slightly encouraged, they both go out to a store to shop for some food. The looks and reactions of people do nothing to improve the young lady’s self consciousness, and they both retreat to her home where she can avoid showing her headgear off to the world.

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(Disclaimer: Any injuries or accidents in videos are not real. They are all just staged for story purpose)