How to become an Orthodontist

10 July 2020

I wanted to share my journey of becoming an Orthodontist. Although there are a few ways to become an Orthodontist mine was pretty typical.

The basic idea is after High School you take 3-5 years of college undergrad classes. You then take the DAT exam during that time and that along with your undergrad grades determine if you can become a Dentist.

Once you study for an additional 4 years you become a Dentist. If you want to specialize in Orthodontics, Oral Surgery etc you need an additional 3-6 years of grad school. So after it’s all said and done I studied for 12 years to become an Orthodontist.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

Did you think it would take that long to become an Orthodontist?

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Thrive Dental and Orthodontics
10935 Rolater Rd #100
Frisco, TX, 75035