Frost Orthodontics | AMAZING Invisalign & Braces Orthodontist in Mesa & Phoenix AZ

23 July 2020

3 words to describe this transformation case…
Gorgeous 😍
Stunning 🤩
Beautiful 😁
This patient’s case is all about:
👉🏻 Creating a wide, broad smile by transferring anterior crowding into posterior width.
👉🏻 Uprighting the posterior teeth
👉🏻 Smile arc – upper teeth follow the lower lip line
👉🏻 Making sure gum tissue is even after debond
Congrats on your new smile Lexi! We sure love to see our patients grow up and watch their smile change throughout their treatment!
#transformationtuesday #transformation #beforeandafter #lasergingivectomy #gingvectomy #beforeafter #frostmysmile #frostorthodontics #frostortho #frostyourself #orthodontics #orthodontist #smiledesigner #smilewide #widesmile #damonsystem #smiledesign #smile #bestsmileever #bestsmile

At Frost Orthodontics, we are 100% committed to creating AWESOME Smiles all over the valley! Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Arizona and beyond. Since we opened in 2000, Dr. Frost has committed himself to being the best orthodontist in Mesa. That starts with building an INCREDIBLE team and that’s exactly what we’ve done! Visit our website to schedule your transformation consult!