Emergency Retainer / Invisalign Hacks if Your Orthodontist is Closed

26 July 2020

Retainer & Invisalign Emergencies – Hacks for emergencies if your orthodontist is closed

In this video we will be answering the following questions “if my orthodontist is closed, how can I fix Invisalign emergencies,” “what happens if I have a broken aligner or retainer,” “what happens if I run out of aligners,” and much more! These are difficult times with most orthodontist closing their offices for non-emergent care because of the spread of this pandemic. Hopefully these tips help ease some of your concerns.

The Braces Club Forum – https://www.asatrianortho.com/tbc
Get your copy of my eBook, “Life with Braces”– http://www.asatrianortho.com/ebook
Dr. Greg’s Oral Hygiene Products: https://www.amazon.com/shop/drgregortho
Aligner cleaners – https://amzn.to/3abTNtR


⚫️ Link to Merchandise : https://teespring.com/stores/dr-gregs-gear

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🔵 Share this video with a YouTuber friend: https://youtu.be/MmJFp4Dp9cw

Videos on:

Braces Emergencies if Orthodontist closed – https://youtu.be/Ql6mcukDGR0
Foods to Avoid & Why – https://youtu.be/xR16CL8IL50
Dr Prero’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/preroorthodontics

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me via the comments below!

See you next time!

Greg Asatrian, D.D.S., M.S.
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/drgregortho


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