Embarrassing Bodies Dentist – Orthodontics (extreme crowding)

2 August 2020

Case: Gavin

Problem: Extreme dental crowding

Solution: Fixed orthodontics / braces

Many adults still don’t think that braces are for them but straight teeth look better, function better and are more healthy – that’s important no matter how old you are!

Recent advances in orthodontics have meant that getting straight teeth is faster, less obvious and less expensive than ever before.

In Gavin’s case the teeth were very crowded which was not only a cosmetic concern but was making it very hard for Gavin to brush and look after his gums.

Treatment is still in progress with the excellent Dr Asif Chatoo – I’ll post up the final results when he is complete.

More information on the latest techniques to get better looking, healthy teeth can be found at www.jamesrusselldentist.co.uk