Dental Crowns – Procedure For Your New Dental Crown

20 October 2020

Teeth that have broken or teeth that have large defective fillings can be restored to proper form, function, and appearance with crowns. Crowns can also be used for cosmetic enhancement. Crowds are often aided for teeth that have large metal fillings over time.

The forces of biting and chewing can cause a large portion of the tooth, a cusp to break two. Appointments are usually needed to make a crown at the first appointment. The tooth is prepared or shaped to accept the crown the shape of the prepared tooth assists and the retention of the crown, so it is often necessary to build up the tooth.

The tooth is, then prepared, so the finished crown has room to slip over it. Like a glove, an impression is taken of the prepared tooth you, a temporary crown is then placed ending the first appointment.

The impression is used by a lab technician to make a model on which the crown is made. Crowns can be all metal all-ceramic or a combination of both at the second appointment. The temporary is removed at a dental cement is placed in the new crown.

The crown is then cemented to the prepared tooth. The tooth is now restored to a healthy functioning state. What type of

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