Dental Crowns – Everything You Need to Know About Dental Crowns

10 October 2020

As we get older, so do our teeth, decay, trauma, fillings or even the way we chew can make our teeth. Wear down as well. Placing a crown over a week and tooth can help the tooth from breaking or wearing down.

Even more, crowns are also used to restore stained or miss shaped teeth, as well as to shelter a tooth that has had a root canal, a crown may not last forever. It may need to be replaced if it has become faulty or worn down.

If you are in need of a crown, allow your dentist a couple of visits to complete this treatment for your first visit. The doctor will numb the area around the tooth to help with any discomfort. Then your dentist will use a dental instrument to form and prep the tooth, so the crown will fit properly.

Sometimes an additional procedure may need to be completed to ensure a good fit for the crown. This procedure is generally, what’s called a buildup. Its job is to help support the crown a mold of the tooth will be taken and a temporary crown is placed to guard the prepped tooth.

The mold is sent to a dental laboratory where a customized crown is made just for you. Once the dental office receives your crown from the lab, you will be appointed to have your crown delivered. If you are satisfied with the shape, color, and fit the crown will be permanently cemented on your second visit, however, the crown received from the laboratory may not fit as well as the doctor, and you would like it to achieve optimum results.

Another mold will be taken and sent to the lab for another crown to ensure a proper fit once the numbness has worn off and the crown is permanently placed. You may experience some soreness. There may also be a slight pain when you bite down, or the change in temperatures may cause sensitivity for three to four days.

If you are having any discomfort, you may take over-the-counter pain medication, as directed by your dentist. If, after a few days, you’re still experiencing discomfort and sensitivity, please call the office to make an appointment.

Sometimes the crown may feel too high. When you bite down, please make an appointment to have your crown adjusted. This can also cause you to become sore. You would think that you could just get a filling.

Unfortunately, when the tooth is in need of a crown, the tooth is not strong enough to support a filling. If your dentist places a filling instead of a crown, you could do more harm to that tooth in the long run, and your dentists may not be able to salvage it.

Remember the lifespan of your crown is based upon the resources used to create it. How, well you maintain your oral hygiene, the food, and drinks you consume, as well as the condition of the surrounding teeth and gums.

It is imperative that you continue to properly floss and brush every single one of your teeth. Please feel free to contact your dentist with any concerns.

Source: Youtube