Looking for a good family / kid's orthodontist in Garden Grove for your dental...
27231 Ortega Hwy, Suite A. San Juan Capistrano CA 92675 Phone: 949-487-0800 Web:
In this video we explain what to expect with your braces treatment and how to...
Treatment of ectopic upper left canine by Dr. Bader Borgan at Bright Dental Care Center...
Contact us: #braces #bracespros #bracescons Follow us on Instagram: Pintrest: Diego Hollie Ortiz...
This video breaks down everything you need to know about starting Phase 1 of your...
Visit us at Schedule an appointment at: Welcome to Northern Virginia Orthodontics! We...
The Dude gets his spacers out and gets his Orthodontic expander put in. The spacers...
"If I was you, I would go to Westrock too!" Brittany, Amanda, Jodi, Kim, and...
In this episode we will focus more on the best time to remove thick labial...
On completion of orthodontic treatment, the residual resin left behind after bracket debonding must be...