5 Post-Match Tips for Dental Orthodontics Residency | NewDentist Development Darwin Hayes DDS

4 August 2020

DrDarwin is the NewDentistCoach and mentor to many new dentists throughout the US and internationally.
He continuously pours into and provides uplifting and strategic information for new dentists through live coaching call sessions in person, online and via social media. These one-on-one sessions add value and serve as distinct professional development tools for those in his network.
Today November 30 is National Match Day for Orthodontic Residency Programs in the US.
In this segment Dr Darwin speaks on and shares 5 Tips for navigating the POST-MATCH process in Orthodontics.

What Do I Do Now?
I didnt get in to Ortho !
Now what?
Whoa is me…..

Nope!…wrong response; do not sign up for that class..

Be 100% focused on figuring out : How Can I Get Better – Present myself Better – Become a better, stronger candidate

Learn why you are still a candidate and must still apply to programs ASAP…

Understand how doing a GPR and/or AEGD program enhances your application in Ortho…

Discover How to find an Internship in Ortho and 3 examples of programs that you should consider immediately….

Learn why attending the annual national Orthodontics meeting – AAO – is the best networking tool and experience for candidates…

Understand how the use of social media networks like LINKED-IN keep you focused on your ultimate goal while getting you noticed and Out of Obscurity with the Orthodontic community….


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Dr Darwin Hayes DDS FAGD is a national leader in Post Graduate / Advanced Dental Education and Training, and the Program Director of the 2nd largest General Practice Residency -GPR- in the United States. He is part of an institution and dental department that has trained over 650 new dentists in the areas of general and hospital dentistry, pediatric dentistry and orthodontics in the past 25 years. Dr Hayes has a distinct passion for mentoring and being a coach to new dentists, especially those from underrepresented populations in oral healthcare. He thrives on the creation and development of specific success strategies — strategies for professional and personal success— that are taught to new dentists in the residency program, during the national conventions of organizations, and at state and local dental societies. His upcoming book The New Dentist Playbook: Fast Track to Future Smiles – 21 Professional and Personal Development Strategies for Your Success, identifies these innovative strategies and is shared in his weekly new dentist blog @ DrDarwinSpeaks.wordpress.com.

Get More on Dr Hayes:

Website: http://www.drdarwinspeaks.wordpress.com
Website: http://www.TheNewDentistCoach.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Dr-Darwin-K-Hayes-DDS-The-New-Dentist-Coach–Speaker-Author-Opinion-Leader-46920828370
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/drdarwinhayesdds
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SmileDrDarwin
Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/SmileDrDarwin
Email: newdentistcoach@gmail.com